Easton's First Christmas...

This year was Easton's First Christmas... and boy oh boy did we have a lot of fun!!! Easton was most definitely more interested in the paper that came with presents rather than the presents themselves, now he's starting to warm up more to the presents... haha.He was all excited that it was Christmas morning... we immediately got on the floor and the first thing he grabed was the brightest pink paper I have ever seen! But soon we let go of the paper to grab ahold of our most favorite present.... the....

Groovy Beats Learning Train from Leapfrog!!! He unrapped it, pushed a few buttons, and then got even more excited...to the point that he went chasing after it when we put it aside to open more presents that he had waiting for him underneath the tree...


Wendorf Family said…
I am so glad to see updates on your blog. I remember this age with both the boys. Cameron still would rather play and shred the paper than the actual toy.

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