I was Tagged!!!

So...my Aunt, Terri, tagged me... Here is my picture... believe it or not, this picture, I took between my building and the next building at my apartment complex... the sun was setting and when I bent down to pick something up, I saw that view and I had to take pictures of it... part of my new portfolio actually... So... now I have to tag someone... Mom!!! I tag you... I know you don't have a blog yet but we will work on that this weekend. :) The rules are as follows: 1) Go to the fourth folder in your pictures 2) Choose the fourth photo 3) Post it and explain it... Tag your it!!!


Wendorf Family said…
I am so glad you got up to date on this. Exciting that you will get your mom a blogsite. She will have fun with it and enjoy it. i love mine.

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