Expecting a Baby
Hello. It's been a really long time since I have jumped onto my blog and posted something...but here it goes; and I promise to update in the next week of everything that's happened in nearly the past year.

But today is the day of announcing that we have another precious little one on the way!!! The little one is Due February 16th!
Today I am officially 14 weeks pregnant. According to my Mom-To-Be app here are the stats:
Trimester: 2nd
Pregnancy Week: 15
Pregnancy Age: 14 Weeks and 0 days
Time Remaining: 26 Weeks
Approx. Weight: 1.52 oz
Approx. Length (crown to rump): 3.42 inches (about the size of a lemon)
I'm finally at a point where I can relax a little bit and not stress as much now, since I'm out of the first trimester. My next appointment is next week on Thursday. Hopefully I'll get to see my little one again. I've now seen our baby 3 times and it's amazing watching it grow. Here are 2 of my ultrasound pictures. The first one when I was 7 weeks pregnant and the next one when I was 11 weeks pregnant.